I’ve come to appreciate stories over the years, even more than I did when I was younger. Stories about old objects, like tools and books are especially interesting to me, and some of the special objects in my life have accumulated some stories worth telling. Way, way back in a previous lifetime, in about 1997… Continue reading stories of special objects
Category: Uncategorized
“how’s Greenland?”
I walked down the hill from the hotel to the harbor this evening, to sit at a picnic table near the docks and relax and have a pipe and a splash of liquor. Dunhill Standard Mixture, picked up in Norway at an exorbitant price, packed into a cheap Falcon Coolway pipe, and a flask filled… Continue reading “how’s Greenland?”
OK, so what about those big life changes that I vaguely alluded to in the introductory post? OK, then… The “Big D”: My marriage has always been pretty challenging and difficult, as those who are at least sort of close to me know. And, after a long, long time, almost 27 years, it finally… Continue reading Changes…
The past couple of years have been pretty crazy and filled with big changes in my life. I’ve been reluctant to say very much about any of it other than to a few people, especially on social media, because, well, social media just seems like a hot mess these days, and I generally find that… Continue reading Reboot
Reboot, part 1
Welcome! Red Alder Ranch is undergoing a reboot. You can still find the old blog in the same place, at http://blog.redalderranch.com. More coming soon. thanks! Mark